Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Renovate your relationships

Phillips helps married, divorced and single men and women understand the mysteries of relationships. Here are a few of his tips for finding and succeeding in your relationship in the new year.

• Happy follows healthy. Focus on your strengths and what you do well, and a healthy, committed relationship will follow.

• The media tells men they need to be with a beautiful woman. The media tells women they need to be beautiful to get a good man. People need to tap into who they are in reality, and focus on what their values are. Pick a person based on what you want, not what the media told you to want.

• Romance isn't about feeling. It's about connection. There's nothing sexier than a real connection with someone.

• Singles who are looking for a healthy relationship need to connect with their values first to find a match. What is your "value fingerprint?" What is important to you?

• Learn how to receive a loving gesture. Say thank you. Then the joy of love becomes the purpose of the relationship.

• Everyone wants to be loved and respected. Avoid "gender boxing," where you think you should act or feel a certain way because you are a man or a woman. There are as many men who want to cry at a movie as there are women who want to burp at a football game.

• Have confidence in yourself no matter what your relationship situation. If you model healthy behavior, people will take notice.

• Establish healthy friendships. Surround yourself with people who share the same values. Judgement happens when you're trying to make else's values match yours. Be an individual and have faith in your own beliefs.
